Democracy depends on all of us. Join the Canadian Vote Coalition.
Together we are leading the largest non-partisan voter engagement campaign in Canadian history.
We can’t do it without you. We need organizations large and small as well as local leaders to join the coalition and engage their communities.
Apathy is Boring and the Democratic Engagement Exchange are committed to making it easy, meaningful and fun for you to engage your networks to get out and vote in the upcoming Federal Election.
The campaign is founded on the principles of non-partisanship, inclusivity and being accessible to participants of all ages and backgrounds.
By signing up to this coalition you agree to the principles put forth above and detailed HERE.
Our ask to organizations is simple:
1. Sign up to a bilingual newsletter that will be sharing resources, showcasing best practices and info for anyone to use.
2. Activate in some way during Democracy Week, which begins on September 8 and culminates in the National Day of Action on Sunday September 15th, 2019, the International Day of Democracy. The action can be as small as pizza and politics in the park, or as big as a free concert for thousands.
3. Share your event pictures and content on social media using the coalition hashtag #cdnvote2019
4. Encourage your networks to get out and vote during the Election Period!
For a list of Champions and local organizations involved, click here.