What's the big deal?


The purpose of disinformation is to mislead people and obscure facts. It's often used to subtly trigger strong emotions by focusing on provocative content.

It comes in many forms

Articles, publications, videos, images, interviews, studies, podcasts, photo essays, memes... You name it, it's been used as a disinformation tool.

It spreads through polarization and bias 

Click. Share. Comment. These actions are all triggered by strong emotions, both positive and negative. Read more about the ways disinformation slides into your feed.
It exploits social networks and algorithms

Let's face it, you're more likely to share content that evokes a strong emotional response, whether positive or negative. That often results in unconsciously spreading disinformation to your friends and family, who then pass it on to their friends, and so on... Talk about a vicious cycle!

Find out what the Social Media companies are doing on their end to stop the disinformation Nutella from spreading.

It targets and exploits journalists

Given the speed at which information goes viral and the lack of time available to fact-check, even experienced journalists are in an arms race against disinformation.

It comes in many forms


The spectrum of disinformation can vary in severity. Content can qualify as disinformation whether its author is aware it is misleading or not.

We can categorize the seven levels of disinformation as:


Can I spot the real
and shake the fake?

The following videos will identify some tools that help you separate the true from the false. These three tools make it easier for you to learn more about the sources of the information you come across.

Facebook : Page Transparency
Google : Reverse Image Search
YouTube : Autoplay

Don't be Boring.

Spread the word against disinformation.

Make sure to share these tools with your friends.