Quebec Provincial Election

The 2022 Quebec general election will be held on MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 to elect Members of the National Assembly (MNAs) to serve in the 43rd National Assembly of Quebec!

The province is divided into 125 electoral divisions, or geographical territories, that makeup Québec’s electoral map, which MNAs represent. MNAs prepare and pass laws related to the province. They hear from their constituents on provincial issues that matter to them as well.

Find your electoral district here.

Advanced voting is open!
Find your voting location


You can register or modify your registration on the permanent list of electors:

- Online, until September 19, 2022;
- By mail or fax, from September 12 to 19, 2022;
- In person in your riding, from September 12 to 29, 2022 at 2 p.m.;
- Through a loved one traveling for you, from September 12 to 19, 2022 at 2 p.m.

For more information, consult this section of the Éléctions Québec site.


The Basics

Am I eligible to vote?

To be eligible to vote in Québec, you must:

  • Have your name and home address on the list of electors 
  • Be 18 or older by Voting Day
  • Be a Canadian citizen
  • Live in Quebec since April 3, 2022
  • Not be under curatorship or be deprived of your voting rights

Where and when can I vote?

On election day

You can vote in person on election day Monday, October 3, 2022 from 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM (Eastern Time) at the voting location assigned to you based on your current residential address.

During advance voting 

Advance voting is open on September 25, 2022 and September 26, 2022! Polling stations are open from 9:30 AM - 8:00 PM (Eastern Time). You can vote at the polling station address listed on your notice of entry, or you can find out where to vote here.

At your returning office

You can vote in person at your returning office on the following days:

  • September 23, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • September 24, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • September 27, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • September 28, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • September 29, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

You can find out where to vote here

Your educational institution
If you are a student, you can vote for one of your candidates in your home electoral division in your educational institution if it has a polling station. You can see if your educational institution has a polling station here. These stations are normally open ten days before the election.

By mail
To vote by mail if you are outside of Quebec, you must write and sign an application to request it. Once you have registered, you will receive the materials you need to vote. You must pay for the cost of sending your ballot to Quebec. Read here for more information.

Do I need to register to vote?

YES! To vote, you must be registered on the list of electors at your home address. On election day, you cannot register or change your address. 

You can register online or by mail or fax until September 19, 2022. 

You can also go in person from September 12-29 to the office of your returning officer. 

You can click here to find out more about registration.  

You can check if you’re on the list of electors here.

Do I need to bring ID to vote?


One of the following pieces of ID must be present with you:

  • Québec driver’s licence
  • Health insurance card
  • Canadian passport
  • Indian status card
  • Canadian Forces identification card

If you don’t have the documents, the elections officers can direct you to the electoral identity verification panel. You will need to declare an oath and you have three options:

  • Bring a person with you who can attest to your identity under oath and identify themselves by presenting one of the following documents: health insurance card, driver’s licence, Canadian passport, Indian status card, or Canadian Forces identification card
  • Present two documents that have your name on them, one of which with your photo
  • Present two documents with your name on them and which, together, provide proof of your address and date of birth

You can learn more about IDs and what you need to bring to vote here.

Can I work for Elections Ontario?

They would love that! Elections Quebec is recruiting folks to work during the election.

  • All jobs are paid and will include training
  • Youth 16-17 years old can also work during the elections this year 

Folks who are eligible to work are:

  • 16 years or older on October 3, 2022
  • Canadian citizens
  • Have been living in Quebec for at least 6 months 
  • They are not under conservatorship or have been deprived of voting rights

Check here for jobs (in French)!

What if...

I’m working on Election Day?

Voters are entitled to four consecutive hours free from work to vote on Voting Day.

This doesn't mean you get to just take off from work for four hours, though. It just means you have to be given a window of three hours to vote at some point during the day. So if you work from 12:30 PM to 8:30 PM, you still have three hours before your shift begins to vote (9:30 AM to 12:00 PM).

Your boss can't dock your pay or penalize you for taking the time to vote. You have to be paid your regular wage for the hours you're not working while you vote. Have that conversation with your employer now, as they have the right to decide when you get your time off!

I can’t make it to a polling station on Election Day?

If you already know you're going to be busy or away on vacation (lucky you) on Election Day, make a plan to vote early!

I’m a student living away from home?

Where will you be on election day? And where can you prove your address? That will help you determine where to vote.

If you're going back to live with your parents for the summer and your ID still uses that address, vote there. If you're staying at the address where you go to school, you can vote there for your home riding!

You can also vote by mail if you’re living away from home

I live in a remote or isolated area?

If you live in a remote area or in an isolated community, you may be able to do the following: 

  • Vote in a mobile polling station. You can contact your returning officer to see if there is a mobile polling station in the area. 
  • Register or change your entry on the list of electors online or by fax
  • Vote by mail

I’m living in an Indigenous community or reserve?

Some communities may vote or have access to secondary polling stations. There are also special measures for remote voting. 

There are also simplified guides for provincial elections translated into several Aboriginal languages.

You can find out more information here!

I’m living abroad?

Quebec citizens living outside of Quebec can register to vote by mail. Eligibility requirements are: 

  • Fill out an application to register to vote
  • a Canadian citizen;
  • temporarily residing outside of Quebec;
  • a resident of Quebec for at least 12 consecutive months before leaving; and
  • intent on returning to Quebec.

I recently moved?

If you move more than two weeks before the election, you must vote at the polling station of your new residence. You will need to change your address at the board of revisors assigned to your new address.

I’m currently without a home?

If you don’t have a permanent address, you can vote by providing a statement signed by a contact person from an organization working with the unhousedthat you attend. This is part of the measures in place to register those without permanent addresses to be on the list of electors.

I'm not old enough to vote yet?

We're thrilled you're already excited to vote even though you can't this year.

Elections Quebec has a program called Voters in Training which allows elementary and secondary students experience the elections through simulations. 

And, small polling stations allow children accompanying their parents to learn about the electoral process by voting for themselves!