To be eligible to vote in Saskatchewan, you must be a resident of the province for at least the last 6 months leading up to election day. However, certain people are exempt from this criteria:
Members of the Canadian Forces who are required to leave their residence in Saskatchewan to serve outside the province are permitted to remain registered as a provincial voter at the address where they resided before moving. If a spouse or the dependents of a Forces member moves with that member, they are legally provided the same voter registration flexibility that applies to the Forces member.
A non-Canadian, who is a British Subject and who was qualified as a Saskatchewan provincial voter on June 23, 1971 (that is, they were born on or before June 23, 1953 and resided in the province since or before December 23, 1970) is permitted to register as a provincial voter. However, they must declare their non-Canadian British Subject status at the time of registration.