It is with heavy hearts that we share the loss of Kenny Cantrill, age 32, one of Apathy is Boring’s Rise Alumni, who passed away on April 23rd, 2020.
Remembering Kenny Cantrill

By NationKit Support
schedule 5 min read
Kenny had a remarkable life, one which he was not ashamed to say had challenges. But he was also driven by a determination to do good and to support others to learn from his own journey. His personal motto was to encourage those around him to think about the “B.P.O.: the Best Possible Outcome”.
Kenny joined Apathy is Boring’s Rise program shortly after being released from almost a decade in jail. Once out, Kenny was committed to lowering recidivism and learning about how to contribute meaningfully to his community and support his peers.
In Kenny’s own words: “Apathy is Boring changed my life, expanded my intentions and blew my purpose to new proportions. After A is B, I started working at a non-profit where I helped over 100 incarcerated people get out of jail and into treatment, became a certified Personal Trainer, and launched a podcast. […] This year before starting my social work diploma I founded a grassroots organization compiled of over 50 engaged volunteers who come from similar adversities, who care and want to give back. It’s a small movement of change and reform. We call ourselves Redemption Icon. Showing up as a small army of icons, we are healing our own trauma and changing lives by ending stigmas and providing hope and value. And my most prized accomplishment was a trip out to Banff, Alberta where I spoke amongst some of the world’s finest academics at the National Prison Abolition Conference. I was the only person there to share a lived experience. Today I am living my dream, and empowering others to do the same.”
Even while pursuing this dream, Kenny’s challenges continued, but his contributions to his community remain. While he is no longer with us, he lit the path for a way forward to see his vision through.
Our heartfelt condolences go out to Kenny’s family and friends, particularly to his children, as well as all those who are touched by his loss, including Apathy is Boring Staff, RISE alumni and current ambassadors who knewKenny, as well as the Redemption Icon community and the Life on Life’s Terms Podcast community.
As our community and those who knew Kennyare grieving his passing in their own ways during this time of social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Apathy is Boring wants to encourage you to seek mental health resources if you need them.Here is a free service:text HOME to 741741 to access a counsellor through Crisis Text Line.