Ottawa Ambassadors Cohort 9

Sarah Abdelhamed
Sarah Abdelhamed

Yomna Ahmed
Yomna Ahmed
She/Her (S/H)
Hannah Goodbrand
Hannah Goodbrand
She/Her (S/H)
Corinne Hinds
Corinne Hinds
She/Her (S/H)
Sarah Sivanesan
Sarah Sivanesan
She/Her (S/H)
David Thibodeau
David Thibodeau
I am very passionate about policy and have been involved in some advocacy efforts but I would like to learn more about mobilization and how to effectively advocate for policy changes in my community, province, and country. I would like to build on my knowledge of policy and turn that into more concrete action.
- Studied the local, provincial, and national advocacy landscape by mapping stakeholders and identifying campaigns and programs
- Engaged with city councilors about existing food system challenges and met with groups like ParticipACTION about their efforts to raise public awareness around the growing health concerns from chronic sedentary lifestyles
- Continuing to raise awareness of physical inactivity and its impacts on our health systems and advocating for changes in our sport system to be more purpose-driven through my podcast Sports for Social Impact
C9 Growing Communities
A downtown community garden lunch and learn for local youth to come out and learn about how to garden in their homes or volunteer in any of the Ottawa community gardens.